What Is A New Year’s Resolution For?

You’ve been there. You know. New Year’s Resolutions, whether they are a result of too much bubbly or too little, tend to go strong through the month of January, and then begin to fade well before Valentine’s Day.

No worries. New Year’s Resolutions don’t work unless you really want them to, and unless you can successfully answer two questions: “Why don’t I do this already?” and “Why do I feel the need to do this now?”

Or at least, that’s what super-productive blogger Austin Frakt says.

So, if you have a resolution and you really want to keep it, read his NYT blog here.

On the other hand, if you just want to have a happy new year, we’re with you all the way.

Go forth, be happy, and love your brain. See you in 2016!

(It won’t be long before we have some fabulous new 2016 styles to introduce and tell you all about. Come back soon.

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