Nutcase and Uncle Sam’s Red, White, and Blue Helmet Sale!

Most people recognize the image of Uncle Sam – the white-haired man featured in U.S. war posters. Uncle Sam always looks roughly the same, with a determined look in his eye, a strong finger pointing at his viewer, and an large, father-knows-best attitude.

Metroride American Dream

Metroride American Dream

Uncle Sam is originally based on an actual man, Samuel Wilson of Troy, New York, who sold meat to military food procurers. Wilson (1766 – 1854) a native of Massachusetts, shipped salt pork in barrels stamped “U.S.” to American soldiers during the war of 1812 against the British.

But it isn’t Sam Wilson’s face initially used for Uncle Sam illustrations appearing in newspapers and cartoons. Instead, by the time of the U.S. civil war, Uncle Sam was looking a lot like President Abe Lincoln, with a tall spindly frame and weather-beaten countenance.

Gen3 Fly Boy

Gen3 Fly Boy

The most iconic version of Uncle Sam was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg around WWI (he used his own face for the figure). Uncle Sam is a tried-and-true symbol of the U.S, with his father-figure expression, his high-waisted striped pants and his star-printed jacket, and he’s been used in  military recruiting posters ever since.

Little Nutty Speed Star

Little Nutty Speed Star

At Nutcase we’ve purloined Uncle Sam for a much more fun purpose: a helmet sale!

Gen3 Americana

In the ten days leading up to the U. S. of A.’s big Fourth of July freedom celebration, we’re putting all the red, white, and blue helmets on special. It’s an Americana helmet-o-rama.

If you love your brain, and you love one of these helmets, now is the time to say yes. To summertime riding, freedom out in nature, and fun on the go.

Little Nutty Silver Fly

Little Nutty Silver Fly

Not only are two of our best-selling Nutcase Street designs – the Fly Boy and the Americana – now 15% off. We’re also taking 15 percent off the Little Nutty helmets Silver Fly and Speedstar.

Moto Americana

Moto Americana

And don’t forget our streamlined, summer-friendly Metroride – the American Dream gets 20% off, as does the Moto version of Americana.

The sale lasts through July 4th. Order now to get your helmet by the holiday weekend. Love your brain and have some fun out there, all-American style.



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