Filmed by Bike

Filmed by Bike

Filmed by Bike, one of our favorite annual traditions, is turning 15!

Nutcase has been involved in one way or another with the festival for many, many years.  This year, we're donating helmets to their Speed Raffle this Friday night and one of our employees, Dave Williams, was on the jury which determined what films show this year.  

Of the festival, Dave says, "Filmed by Bike combines two of my very favorite things: Cycling and storytelling. And if I can help bring to light a story that should be shared, I am honored to do so.” 

Join us along with the bike community of the world in celebrating all things bikey and beautiful.

Check out this trailer, if you're not already convinced...

Filmed by Bike Festival Trailer 2017 from Filmed by Bike on Vimeo.

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