Race Pace Bicycles
5 locations in and around Baltimore, MD
Alex Obriecht opened his first bike shop in 1978 in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland. Now, 38 years later, there are five Race Pace bike shops in the Baltimore area. It is a family affair with son, Nick and son-in-law David involved in the stores. Race Pace offers full service with sales. rentals, bike repair and fittings. You can read about the history of this family run bike business on their website.
Race Pace started carrying Nutcase a few years ago, beginning with bells, which proved to be very popular. Ellicot City manager Ben Riese tells us “We are very happy with bell sales, we actually wear out the egg cartons” referring to the nifty point of purchase egg carton displays that hold the bells. They took on helmets soon after and are very pleased with the popularity of the helmets. The top seller right now is “Alien Abduction”, which has a matching bell.
The staff is excited for their latest order of colored visors, which will add to the creative options for their customers to customize their helmets.