July 22, 2014
Nutcase Unframed: The Artist Speaks #2
At Nutcase we want to get fresh art onto helmets and also out into the world, and we call this effort Nutcase Unframed, with our first Unframed event next month.
Last week we took a quick reading of how Colombian artist Sandra Ramirez is preparing for making Unframed art at the Nutcase booth at Eurobike (in Fredrichshaven, Germany in August) and at Interbike (in Las Vegas, Nevada in September).
At these shows Ramirez along with two other artists – Ray Moore and Todd Standish – will create live art to be auctioned for the benefit of the non-profit World Bicycle Relief.
This week we caught up with Ray Moore, who lives and works in Munich, Germany.
Moore’s art combines spoken-word poetry, found collaged objects, and his own creative forms. We asked him how he is getting ready to work in front of a live audience.
“I usually paint alone in my studio,” he says. “Now that you asked the question I am getting nervous.”
To toughen up, he joked that he is, “waking up early to run 20 kilometers in soft sand wearing boots.”
Yet Moore is not a stranger to working in the presence of others, as this video and the photo above shows. He does depend on having his headphones on, though, so that he can listen to music (a big inspiration for him, especially rap and soul) and forget about his surroundings while he creates.
He’ll bring his favorite colors of paint with him to the shows, he said, and then, “I will let inspiration seep into my veins.”’
Ray started collaborating with Nutcase just one year ago, and the helmet that is a result of that collaboration shows his expressive use of a palette of vivid colors and bold lines to deliver his particular message.
If he gets artist’s block while he’s working, he says he’ll do what he always does, which is “to try not to question my thoughts, but to instead simplify, simplify, simplify.”
That, he added, the tunes pumping in his headphones, and some paint, is all he really needs at the shows. “I’m just excited,” he says.
Below is the sneak peek of the new helmet, designed by Ray and implemented by Nutcase – we are calling it Boogie.
To take a look at more of Ray Moore’s unique vision, visit his Facebook page here.