Nutcase Casting Call

Helmet fit is one of the areas where we at Nutcase Helmets take pride in constantly seeking innovation. A key factor for good fit, in addition to the equipment, is how it is used.

We’ve produced one helmet fit video that is continuously popular. It features our sales director Chris, showing how to fit a helmet. It’s homemade and instructional, and has worked pretty well for us.


However, when you put together helmet fit + instructional videos, we think you’ll agree that there’s a great need for innovation in both content and delivery.

courtesy Jeremy Cantelli via flickr.

courtesy Jeremy Cantelli via flickr.

So we’re planning a series of eight videos on helmet fit. We’re doing so many of them, in part, because of our great selection of helmets, each with its own unique set of instructions and accessories related to getting the perfect fit.

True to our Nutcase heritage, we’re looking for a widely diverse range of talent and styles for this new series.

So it’s time for a Nutcase casting call!

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We are shooting the helmet fit series in Portland, Oregon, and we are looking for an internationally-oriented range of unique personalities – we’re seeking people who want to show their nutty selves.

We’re out for the eclectic, eccentric, stylish and even oddball types.

Do you have something you want to show off in a video that will be watched by thousands – anything from mystical tattoos to awesome hair (needs to be ‘helmetable’), unique make-up, tribal piercings, and just general personal style innovations?

Bring it on!

Moto girl

“At Nutcase we’re all about expression of personal style,” says our brand connector Philip. “In addition, our reach as a company is truly global. So by really pursuing a diversity of personal styles in our videos and advertising I think we can show that there’s a Nutcase that expresses something special for each individual, whoever and wherever they are.”

For your collaboration we pay with helmets and helmet-fit video fame. You don’t need acting skills (videos will be voice-over).

Just be awesome and comfortable in front of a camera.

We need all genders and parents with children at ages 1-2 and 3-7. We will start shooting in Portland in the middle of April.

courtesy Lorena Cupcake via flickr.

courtesy Lorena Cupcake via flickr.

To be considered, please send your info with images/videos to

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