Happy Holidays from the Nutcases

It’s that time of year again – whatever work hasn’t gotten done, just won’t – not for a day or two, at least.

Instead it’s time for a short reprieve from the cares and concerns of the work-a-day world. A little time with the family, a little time relaxing, a little time to let our true nuttiness shine (though at our HQ it is pretty much Nutcases 24×7).

We’ve seen some changes in the last year … We’ve grown our international reach – adding new distributors in heretofore un-Nuttied parts of the globe.

We’ve visited quite a few trade and consumer shows, both in the U.S. and internationally. We launched Gen3 of the Bike and Skate helmet (select models still on sale for six more days, through December 31st).

We debuted the Moto helmet to great fanfare, and have already announced a few new models to add to the line.

We announced Little Nutty Gen3 and also previewed the special Baby Nutty helmet series.

Baby Nutty helmet

Baby Nutty ‘Petal Power’

We showed the super cool, commuter-oriented Metroride helmet (coming soon!).

metroride helmet

Metroride – ‘The Original’

And we rolled out our biggest ever campaign to get fresh designs onto helmets, debuting our first three artists in the Unframed artist’s series.

We’ve worked hard, and we’ll be working even harder going forward. Our goal is nothing less than the best graphic designs on the best looking helmets on the planet.  In the universe.

For now, however, it’s off to rest, relaxation, and play, we go, wishing all of you very safe and happy holidays from us, the Nutcases.

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